Thursday, February 23, 2012

Do you train or workout?

Below are the definitions of work out and train.

work out


Definition of WORK OUT

transitive verb
a : to bring about by labor and exertion  b : to solve (as a problem) by a process of reasoning or calculation c : to devise, arrange, or achieve by resolving difficulties
: to discharge (as a debt) by labor
: to exhaust (as a mine) by working
intransitive verb
a : to prove effective, practicable, or suitable  b : to amount to a total or calculated figure —used with at or to
: to engage in a workout <works out regularly at the gym>


Definition of TRAIN


Definition of TRAIN

transitive verb
a : to form by instruction, discipline, or drill b : to teach so as to make fit, qualified, or proficient
: to make prepared (as by exercise) for a test of skill
: to aim at an object or objective : direct <trained his camera on the deer> <training every effort toward success>
intransitive verb
: to undergo instruction, discipline, or drill

Prior to finding Crossfit all I did was workout. I would go to Globo Gym and plod along on the treadmill or wait my turn in the mile long line of douche bags waiting for their chance to use the triceps machine. (I know an entire machine dedicated to triceps its called a push up bro look into it) Anyways my point is that we need to have a goal. A goal of losing a few pounds is not enough we need to set physical goals. Run a marathon, bench press a truck, squat a house. Ok ok those last two may not be legit goals but you get the point. If you set goals and "train" to achieve those goals you will achieve the body image goals naturally. What do I mean by that? If you want to lose 20 lbs and you set a goal of running a marathon and you're passionate about it and attack that goal you will lose 20 lbs while "training" to achieve your goal. If you want to add 6" to your arms and chest set a goal to bench press 300 lbs. by the time you do you will have added 6" to your arms and chest. 


My point is if we set goals that we are passionate about we will be more likely to succeed. I don't mean the same old shit everybody says at New Years either "I'm gonna be a better person" yeah yeah yeah save it A-hole. I talking about wakes you up in the middle of the night, when you think about it your heart rate increases,  people hear you talk about it and it freaks them out because you borderline on obsessed, type of goals. That is the greatest thing about where we train.  (yeah i said train if you come to my gym you don't workout anymore you train) We are encouraged, scratch that, we are required to train. You either learn how to do kipping pull ups or you get smoked in any wod that has pull ups. So set your year end goals and your 30 day goals and be proud of what you are training for. Work on it before class, after class, hell during class if you need to, but train to achieve your goal. Get fired up about something!! And if you need ideas on how to train to achieve your goal ask somebody. This blog is a great outlet for sharing your questions or concerns.



Finally stop thinking of your wod as a workout and think of it as training. On this blog we don't workout we ......train!



You think this guy is "working out" or is he training?


  1. Fuck yeah! This is what I'm talkin bout!!!!!!

  2. I'm training so I can do shit like this...check it out:!
