Friday, June 8, 2012

Leaders and followers

 So between having a baby, trying to get into paramedic school and training I haven't posted in a long time. I am sorry. I know that you all have been missing the rantings of a crazy person, namely myself. Well guess what? Im back bitches!!!!

I wanted to write a post about leaders and followers. We all at some point in our lives have fallen into both of these categories. Nobody walks into a new environment and immediately becomes the new leader of that group. And if you stick around a place long enough you will become one of the leaders of the pack. Now this happens for a couple reasons.

1. People come into an environment and they immediately look to those that have been around longer 
    than other people. (fake leaders thrive on this and I will explain why later)
2. People come into an environment they look around and they recognize the people that know what 
    they are doing. (in a gym environment it's the people that are strong, or move properly, or exhibit 
    knowledge about training techniques) Game recognizes game.
3. Some people are natural born leaders and can get people to walk through fire for them with just a 
    look. Think Abraham Lincoln. 

Numbers 2 and 3 are leaders because they have demonstrated to people qualities that they appreciate and want to emulate. "That guy is strong, I want to be strong too. I'm going to do what he does." Some leaders encapsulate all three qualities or a combination of them. 

Now let's discuss "fake" leaders or those people that think because they've been around for a while that means they are a leader. We all have known these people at some point, they held onto a job for 20 years and they think that means they have the right to look down on the new person. All that is, is insecurity. All they have is that job and they are going to make themselves feel like a big shot by treating you like dirt. Generally it becomes clear within about 4 seconds that they are full of shit.

I spend most of my time at Crossfit Littleton so I mainly want to talk about "fake" leaders in the gym. These people, just like that asshole at work, have been around forever and think that means as a new member you are required to look up to them. Which naturally happens we all look to senior people when entering a new environment and these people thrive on it. Just like McAsshat at work it quickly becomes apparent that these "senior members" are full of shit and couldn't squat their way out of a paper sack. They walk around and chit chat during the warm up, if they are criticized on their technique they look around like they have smelled something bad, and then they bad mouth the coaches.  I have no problem being bad mouthed by member Shitty McSquat but when they start being rude to the people in class that are trying to get better and don't buy into their bullshit that's where I draw the line. Just because you've been around for 5 min. longer than the next guy doesn't give you the right to look down on them or give them advice. If someone asks you for advice, fine. But don't walk around and tell people what they are doing wrong. It makes you look like an asshole, mainly because if you do this you are one.

We strive for an environment that welcomes everyone I will train or hang out with anybody. So long as they aren't an asshole or one of those fake leaders. I don't care if you can squat a truck or can't sit down on the toilet if you own who you are we can have beers together. I can not stand people that feel like they are entitled to something. That's exactly what fake leaders do, they feel entitled to your respect or admiration. Well guess what both of those things are earned not just given. You want people to admire and respect you than admire and respect them. And for God's sake.......


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